
We'll Bring the Shade to Us.

Bonus Seasonal Prompt



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
01-12-2020, 10:04 PM

As Iolaire swipes the sleep out of her eyes and calls out her greeting to Meadow, the green-eyed woman smiles brightly at her niece. While she is almost always running perpetually late, one thing that the light-colored woman is fond of is raising with the sun. While others like to stay up late and be with the moon, she prefers to awake when the sun peeks its head over the horizon. This allows her time to be and reflect on things before she ventures out to start her day.

When Io mentions that the trees have taken root and that they will need friends, the slightly taller female nods in agreement. She is willing to go out into the woods as many times as needed to get those friends. Truth is, Meadow is thoroughly enjoying her role as a gardener and the love and care that she must give each individual plant. She could not have a better partner to take care of these grounds either. Iolaire is a plethora of knowledge about how to care for the plants and their uses and dangers. Meadow is learning the correct way to cultivate and tend not only the plants but countless others that she has yet to find.

When Iolaire suggests that Meadow gives the stunted little tree a name, her whole countenance perks up and brightens. Her? Get to name it? This is both a delicate and important task that has been given to her. Looking to the stunted tree, she chews her lip thoughtfully for a few moments. The tree seems to whisper to her for a minute and huge smile spreads across her face. Turning to look back at Io, she asks, “How about… Eva?” The name seems full of life and the little willow tree has a long one ahead of her. A brilliant smile appears and her eyes dance with happiness.

When Iolaire yawns again her smile turns down slightly as worry creeps in. With a small tut, Meadow asks, “Are you getting enough sleep? Have you eaten yet?” Not one to ignore questions she adds, “My plans are to take care of you first and then I will water the plants. After that I will see where the day takes me.” Another smile appears and she raises, ready to fetch food for Io should she need it.

"I speak"I think

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm