
Lingering Effects



2 Years
01-16-2020, 07:31 AM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2020, 07:32 AM by Thistle.)

At first, Thistle thought everything was fine. She hadn't felt any tremors in a few weeks, the ash seemed to be clearing from the sky, prey animals weren't plentiful by any means but they were, you know... around. She could safely say at this point that it was entirely wishful thinking. Having left the north with high spirits, she had travelled for several days in relative comfort, eager to stretch her legs. Then came two days back to back of strong winds which Thistle was half convinced appeared for the sole purpose of kicking up monstrous clouds of ash and dust, and despite her best efforts to find shelter the young female figured she had inhaled at least half of it. Her eyes stung, her paws were raw and to top it off she had stumbled thanks to the low visibility and twisted her hind leg pretty severely.

All in all, it was shit.

So now she was miserable, aching, hungry and lost somewhere in the western lands. It was one hell of a miscalculation, and she had no one to blame but herself and her own poor judgement, which was not a comfy idea for her. Thistle thrived on being able to blame someone else. Didn't really know how to process shitty situations without that to fall back on. By this point night had well and truly fallen, and due to her slow pace Thistle was still seeking out somewhere to rest for the evening. Bleary and exhausted, she almost overlooked the fact that she had company. A large wolf, female if she had to guess, splotched with white over a darker coat walked a few dozen yards away. Thistle sighed and strongly considered sinking to the ground before she was seen in such a miserable state, but instead swallowed her pride. It was not an easy task.

"'Scuze me, she rasped out, voice parched and hardly the strong projection she usually preferred. "Are you familiar with this place?" The wind was working against her so Thistle was lost when it came to identifying anything else about this female. She hoped it wasn't a pack wolf or something, because if she'd wandered across a border in her delirium, well, that was exactly what she needed right now wasn't it? She hoped the woman would at least kill her quickly.
