
Lingering Effects



2 Years
01-16-2020, 08:18 AM

As soon as she spoke Thistle realized that this stranger had major 'Don't Fuck With Me' energy, and while she could respect that it was pretty much the last thing she'd been hoping for. Well, apart from a quick and merciful death. Her voice was soft, but the words carried a hardened edge that didn't exactly put Thistle at ease. A brief war erupted between her ears as the young female tried to rapidly deduce the best way to navigate this particular situation. She was obviously operating at a disadvantage here, not just because she was a strong gust of wind away from toppling over entirely, but mostly because her urge to snark back and tell the woman to forget about it if she had better things to do was strong, and would likely work against her. Perhaps the gods had put her in this position to see her pride checked. If so, it was almost working.

Thistle sighed. "Oh, little old me? I'm just peachy. Never better, in fact." Okay mouth, sure. Say that instead, that's so much better. Thistle sank onto her haunches and winced, partially from the slip and partially from the pain in her leg. Although it pained her even further to offer a genuine apology she hoped that the much larger female would take it as the plea for mercy that it was. "Sorry, teetering on the edge of collapse makes me a bit grouchy. I was actually just going to ask if you knew anywhere nearby that would offer a decent shelter." She clamped her mouth shut around what nearly followed, that being "And I'd kiss you if there was water within walking distance of it." Probably a bit too forward, that.

The dark woman didn't exactly have the outward appearance of a healer, but Thistle knew better than most not to judge someone based on a first impression. They were almost always wrong, and anyone with two brain cells to rub together could mock up something more palatable if needed. Or less palatable, for that matter. She had walls of her own, so she wouldn't begrudge this stranger the way she chose to comport herself. Whatever, either run her off or leave her be, either way Thistle just wanted her to get on with it already.
