
Grow this Garden with Love




Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
01-16-2020, 05:39 PM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2020, 06:56 PM by Samara.)

Samara Klein

Summer was now upon them, though it felt more like spring. Life finally seeming to spring back from the apocolypse that had decended upon them. As such Samara had a vested interest in trying to get her supplies back up, Rhyme could benefit from relaxants and she was low on pain killers for herself.

More than that she had reason to suspect that it would be helpful to find more projects to get Rhyme's mind off of his grief. So the small woman woke up early that morning, scouting for an open patch of land, close to the Cavaliere man's den but far enough away it would require him to actually leave his den. Samara found a little patch of land in the plains that was a bit loamy, she gently pulled all the new grass growths out in the small patch, feeling a bit bad for destroying life just as it was starting to come back. The woman had a few small bundles of seeds she'd gathered before the volcano. She'd always planned to grow a little personal garden and the woman was very glad for her foresight. She gently placed her bundles on the bare patch of earth and moved off to get Rhyme.

"Rhyme?" She called gently into his den, sniffing cautiously. "Mr. Cavaliere I was hoping I could employ you in aiding me in a bit of a personal project." She said, adopting a too polite, too innocent tone to try and get him to join her. The reality was she was hoping giving him something to look after that needed him to survive would help to bring the man back into the light, even if a little. His children might once have served that purpose but they were old enough now they didn't need him as they once had though she had no doubt that they needed him in ways he couldn't give them right now.

WC: 321

"Speech", Thoughts & You

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Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.