
what needs to be (MEETING)



6 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Treat 2019
01-19-2020, 04:03 PM
Since the passing of his mother, Zagan had become incredibly withdrawn. He avoided nearly everyone, unsure what to do anymore without her here. He had grown accustomed to taking care of her, helping her, and learning from her. While it was mostly history and herbal things, he had taken every word to heart, even if he didn't have an interest in healing. His mothers sickness had rendered her weaker by the day, and her blindness had made it difficult for her to do much on her own. She had always felt bad that she hadn't been able to spend more time with him and his brother...or at least, teaching them the things they wanted to know.

And while Iroh spent his time with Pyrrhic, Zagan had spent his time with her. She was his mentor like Pyrr was to his brother, but in a sense, he felt a little resentful. About what exactly, he wasn't so sure. Maybe he felt like Iroh appeared to be more self absorbed in his own things rather than helping, but at the same time, he couldn't blame him could he? It wasn't anyone's fault. But he just couldn't help it he supposed.

So to grieve, he continued to keep to himself and didn't bother talking to much of anyone. Brother included.

When he heard the call for a meeting, he reluctantly got up and headed over, a grim expression on his face when he saw that Iroh was already there sitting and waiting. Zagan moved to sit at the edge, quiet and unapproachable as he offered a quick and curt nod to Pyrrhic before staring at the ground between his paws.