
Sugar, We're Going Down Swingin'



6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
01-19-2020, 09:45 PM

Harbringr was struck by the silence of the area but he supposed that made sense. Where would the birds live with the trees so decimated? What about the other smaller creatures? Could rabbits and such make a den in the burnt, charred earth. He nodded at Zee's words. "Yea, I mean I thought it would be bad but I can't say my imagination went to this." He strode closer to the lake, paws walking over mounds of decaying plant life. "I wonder how long it will take for this to grow back." It was probably going to take a long while if the ash was any indication. Though he seemed to recall hearing that volcano soil was so fertile. He didn't know what that meant or how long it took this mess to turn into soil for at the moment he couldn't imagine anything growing in the ash.

Harbringr let out a laugh as Zee talked about Sirius. "I'm quick, if I'm quick enough on my feet he'll never catch me." Sirius was a difficult opponent, especially with his special gifts but Hari still felt confidence in his own skills. He was certainly no pushover.

Hari felt a sting of guilt as Zee asked about the water and he frowned. "Umm… maybe let me test it first." He padded to the edge of the water and sniffed carefully at it. There was ash floating on the surface and the water had a bit of a sheen to it but it was much better than the land that surrounded it. Harbringr lapped at the water then wrinkled his nose. There was a slight chemical smell. "How about we not drink that. It tastes weird." He glanced around, looking for something more suitable to drink when he spied a puddle in an area on slightly higher ground than the lake. The benefit was the spring rains had washed the ash farther down to where they were and some later storm had filled the divot with water. Harbringr swiftly moved over to the puddle and bent his head down to lap at it. He nodded. "Ok, that's better. Boy, I hope the lake does get cleaned out though I'm not sure how. If you want on the way back you can ride me." He chuckled at the thought. "The triumphant queen upon her noble steed!"