
what am i supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-21-2020, 03:34 PM
His presence was a little light, but he could still understand the difference in his daughter as he divulged his past. She was surprised at his captivity, but he had been too. Theory hadn’t heard the name Imperium and he was half surprised but also half not. He’d kept them sheltered the first year of their life. Kept them away from their heritage for what he believed was their own good. Their lives were much harder than he expected them to be, especially these days. Rhyme wouldn’t hold anything back anymore, now that Theory was curious she would get all of the answers she looked for.

The conversation didn’t move far from his time as a slave. For too long he’d been held against his will. He’d left as soon as he’d been able to get himself and his mother from the vile creatures. ”I was younger than you are now.” He started softly, the memories he brought up had long lay dormant. ”I was gathering herbs with your Grandmother when we were ambushed. I fought hard, but they took her sight and threatened her life if I did not go easily.” He couldn’t risk his mom’s life. He’d forgotten how hard he’d fought for her at the time, and how foolish he’d been to turn her away at the beginning of his children’s lives.

More importantly he was becoming more highly aware of the damage he was causing now in his wallowing.