
It's A Good Day Above The Ground




3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
01-21-2020, 07:36 PM

Eyrun hadn't known Valkyrie before she'd come to Boreas, though she'd heard of the feisty woman from her companions back home. Having never been the type to stick close to home much anyway, running off to find her and her supposed gang was a splendid idea - and so far it'd been working out quite nicely. She'd be hard-pressed to find a single complaint; the only thing she wasn't completely sure about was if any of her band mates were quite as religious as she was, but so long as they were existing in unison with her own ideals she wouldn't complain. If there was one thing she knew it was that faith was variable and she couldn't expect everyone to think exactly like she did.. as nice as that would be.

As she approached Eldi, her eyes narrowed as she focused in on what he was working at. Instantly the scent of his kill made her salivate once she noticed it, letting a faint grin tug at her inky lips as she drew closer. "The north does sound good right about now," she agreed easily. Her homelands had been harsher than the western lands they'd been familiarizing themselves with and now that the volcano had seemingly calmed she was eager to move, and hoped Valkyrie would decide to relocate them soon enough. "Eyrun it is. And I've been well. Eager to move on, but well enough. Eldi, right?" She knew his name but was content to go along with his pleasantries.

"Ullr shines on us today," her smile softened as he offered her some of his kill. While she often felt entitled to things that were not her own, or that she had not earned, it was different when it came to a fellow Hjarrandi member. Waiting didn't sound enjoyable, not with the fawn still fresh and warm, and Eldi had offered - so she gladly padded over to the organ pile he'd made, easily finding the liver and beginning to feast on it, pleased at the warmth of the meat as it slid down her throat. "What is it you're doing out here, anyway?"