
you should be sad

for Theory



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
01-23-2020, 10:08 AM
Thalia had been sent on a mission: to scout the lands around the volcano and report back to Eligos with her findings. What he didn't know, and what she so conveniently neglected to tell him, was that she'd recently taken a trip to those very lands to do just that. Part of her had hoped she might find sign of her parents along the way, but she'd gotten more than a little distracted by running into Theory once again. They'd shared a moment - she wasn't quite sure what else to call it, let alone what she herself thought of it, but she knew her thoughts of Abaven's leader were becoming persistent, to the point of feeling compulsive. So when she had an opportunity to maybe run into her again, she accepted without hesitation. Not that she would've denied Eligos' request anyway, but now she just felt a little more eager to complete it.

The lands here had recovered even more fully than the time she'd been here last, which pleased her, but then again she was still quite a decent distance from the volcano. If these lands had once been ravaged by the eruption, they seemed to have recovered easily enough; there was no hint of ash here, perhaps kept off the ground by the long boughs of the willow trees. This place was far more serene than she expected and she felt herself growing calm as she lingered near one of the streams that played beneath the roots of a large, drooping willow. With Eligos in charge now, she had to believe things were looking up - there was no other way.

But going along with things hadn't done any of them any good. She had to improve herself and grow stronger for her family and for her God.. and she wasn't sure if self-improvement meant grappling with confusing feelings or learning to ignore them and shove them aside. Often she thought of her mother, who was soft and expressive; a stark contrast to her father who seemed unshakable, though even she had seen a glimpse of the anxious man that lay beneath his more serious exterior. She had a feeling they were more similar than she'd once thought, but it didn't matter now - he was gone and she was more alone than she'd ever been.

Pawing idly at the dirt, she considered what she was doing here. Theory lived somewhat close to here, she knew that well enough, though she wasn't totally sure if they'd relocated since the last time they'd spoken. It'd be quite a trek for her to come here.. but she had no reason to believe Theory would ignore her if she called. After hesitating for far too long, she finally tipped her head back and let loose a call for her friend, wondering if she'd reply to her song at all. She'd figure out what the hell she was even calling her for afterwards; somehow figuring that part out when she wasn't even certain Theory would care enough to answer her if she was busy seemed pointless, in her mind.