
yoo sugar baby I'm back (RAID)




10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
01-23-2020, 07:18 PM
Holy fuck thank fuck she let go of his elbow as he plowed into her or that would have hurt way more than it did, though that ache was definitely going to be around for a good while with those punctures. Valkyrie gathered herself, and Chaos kept trying to press forward into her, grinding down with his molars in an attempt to keep his grip and remain in control of her head. There was a moment of confusion as she reared back to lift her forepaws up like a puppy begging, and his eyes followed them with vaguely confused curiosity - was she going to try to scratch at his eyes? Inexperienced wolves often seemed to think they could use their nails on your eyes, but the thick dull nails wolves had just couldn't really - holy shit fuck she had fucking tiger fucking claws and those long sharp knives were aiming right at his tender little eyeballs. With a muffled yipe, he squeezed said tender little eyeballs shut and did his best to shove down as hard as he could on Valkyrie's neck in a last-ditch effort to change the angle of his head to protect his face. Despite his girlish squeal and attempt to move away he hadn't realized in time and the claws raked down over his forehead and cheeks, luckily skipping the eyes in favor of the skin and muscle he'd scrunched over them. Dripping blood all over, he planted his hindlegs and sought to wrap his forelegs around her shoulders in a parody of a cuddly hug, in an attempt to pin her forelegs between them so she couldn't smack him around with those pussy paws anymore. Just in time to not actually save him from getting his face lacerated, one of the owls dropped out of the sky to attempt to rake Valk's hips with her talons.

Chaos Saxe vs Valkyrie Finnvi for dominance
Round 2/2
Age: 1+
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Companion 1: male great-horned owl - flying
Companion 2: female great-horned owl - battle
Mutation: saberteeth (attack)
Skills: Beginner Hunter & Intermediate Fighter
Specialty: N/A

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write