
Tomorrowland (Legion Meeting)




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-23-2020, 08:36 PM
Though he was hardcore ignoring her presence, Valentine was very aware of the little weasel weaving between his feet as he walked. Lefty was trying her best to casually trip him up. She would just barely brush against his legs; just enough to warn him of her presence but not enough to get kicked. He knew what she was doing, knew that her ultimate goal was to just annoy him, and so he was determined to starve her of that win. Or, barring that, make it a victory too painful to be a true victory.

Actually that sounded like a better idea. Then he could get some enjoyment out of it. Valentine had walked all the way across the territory with Lefty weaving between his feet so he deserved a little vengeance. The little shit owed him, honestly and that was why he was going to get what was due him.

Valentine waited until she was stepping in front of his left foreleg. He then shifted all of his weight to his forelegs, pulled his hind legs up and forward, and then once all four paws were in front of Lefty he donkey kicked her. Both hind paws struck her and sent her rocketing backwards at the wolf equivalent of warp drive. To her credit the little skunk only let out a tiny poot of musk as she went. Just enough to taint the air behind Valentine but not enough to foul herself or Valentine (thankfully).

Satisfied with his handiwork,Valentine then bolted for the meeting place. He didn't feel the least bit bad about what he'd done and he didn't look back to see if she was okay. By now, sadly, he was aware of just how bombproof the little beast was. More than likely she'd be fine.

Valentine settled down beside Torrent. He had just enough time to sigh contentedly before a familiar squat, brown and white shape sidled up to him. Dammit.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.