
Fightin' Dirty




3 Years
Dire wolf

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1BeeventBronze Medal 2020Critical Fail!
1KValentines 2020VolcanoTreat 2019
01-23-2020, 09:29 PM

The last time Pestilence tried to sneak out of the territory went terribly. Not only did she get her butt stuck in a tangle of vines, but she got invited to live with the Legion wolves and promptly had her dreams crushed by a foul-mouth lady who seemed very angry with Alarr. For a moment she'd felt so freed by the invitation, and her confinement within Ashen's territories was even more suffocating then before. She was still angry with her siblings, especially Venom for not siding with her after Gadreel kicked their butts. Even more she was angry at her mother, for promising she'd take them home but instead bringing them further east to yet another new land. This one was closer still to the volcano, and she could hardly look up at the looming, angry mountain without remembering her father and how he'd suffered there. The only good thing about her new home was it's proximity to the Legion wolves and her friend Alarr. At least play-dates were easier when she didn't need to travel as far.

She'd definitely be trying her luck to adventure multiple territories away as she had with the Briar, so instead she merely crossed the border of the Shrine and waded along the shallow riverbank in The Rio Grande. Fish swam between her paws and she swiped at them pitifully, the motion half-hearted at best. She hadn't come here to fish, but to hopefully catch sight of her friend whom she knew lived nearby. All the pups in Ashen were religious nutcases, and she knew as long as she had the yearling as a friend that he could help her keep her head on straight and avoid falling into the quicksand that was spirituality.
