
Ow and Ow!



3 Years
Dire wolf

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1BeeventBronze Medal 2020Critical Fail!
1KValentines 2020VolcanoTreat 2019
01-24-2020, 04:47 PM

It was heartwarming to see her friend sticking up for her towards the angry woman, and Pestilence felt badly to know his worries were based on a lie. Deathbelle would never throw her kids into a volcano, and in fact a good majority of the Ashen Empire was non-religious. She considered speaking up and admitting her lie, but the woman was speaking again and Pestilence clapped her jaws shut to listen.

Valdis was calling her bluff and had met her mother, and the pup frowned from behind Alarr. "Just because she wouldn't throw me into a volcano doesn't mean it's a good home." She muttered softly. The woman's words came across just like every other adult, enough pandering to make a child feel good about themselves but with just the right amount of firmness coming through to let her know resistance was futile.

She got to her feet from behind the yearling and shuffled around him to come out at his side where he stood confidently against Valdis. Her head lifted and she moved to attempt to rub her forehead against Alarr's cheek gently. "Thanks for trying." She whispered sadly, low enough that the woman might not hear. With all the sad defiance the pup could muster she padded her paws heavily towards the adult, ears pulled flat and unwilling to meet her gaze.

Valdis was still speaking, and even the mention of a playdate wasn't enough to lift her spirits. How would that ever be a suitable compromise? Ten minutes ago Pesto thought that she'd be living with her friend, not seeing him on supervised visits once or twice a year. "Yeah, okay." She relented, though her tone of voice said that it was anything other then okay. "Which way is home?" Hopefully Valdis was prone to getting lost too, and would be simply unable to find Ashen's lands to return her.
