
you could haveit all, my empire of dirt

archbelle babs



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-24-2020, 08:28 PM

Just as the boy's heart seemed to calm and his nerves were soothed his sisters got fired up. Venom's proclamation of her desire for a crown did not surprise him. She had always been head strong and the thirst for power was easy to see behind those vibrant eyes. But, his just as eager siblings seemed to take issue with their mother so easily allowing Venom to take the tiara. All of the pups were bestowed with good heads and promise of greatness so it truly did not seem fair to allow Venom to win the Empire so easily. Even if, in those moments, Plague did not want the title of Emperor for himself the boy felt as though there should be an even competition for it.

As Pestilence spoke up Plague felt his heart race again. The flurry of emotion in such a personal social encounter seemed to cause his normally contained anxieties to flare up. Despite feeling as though the gal's tongue was sharpened a tad too much he could not help but to agree with some of what she said. In his opinion Venom hadn't earned a throne... and in reality none of them had. Next, Toxicity offered her more level headed thoughts on the situation which called forth a simple nod from Plague. Finally, Venom piped up and accepted the competition.

Thoughts of competition filled Plague's mind in those moments. He did not aspire to rule but if his siblings were all in the running for the Alpha spot why shouldn't he partake? If he was truly not meant to lead as he felt he wasn't then so be it. But, could Plague rule out the possibility all together? Just then the large monochromatic male moved his sharp gaze towards his mother. "It would be foolish of me to not partake in this competition." Plague was still as he spoke with little emotion playing on his dappled features. "I too desire the role of Emperor. If the crown fits... shall be it." A pause. "Though, I would not put all of my eggs in one basket. I'd prefer to continue training with my Uncles in addition to diplomatic lessons from whoever you may deem fit." Plague seemed to exhale softly as he ended his speech. It was the most he had spoken publicly since the passing of his father and a likely rare occurrence.