
Anger Management?

for Acere

Polaris I


1 Year
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019
01-24-2020, 08:55 PM
The distraction of yanking the paw away from her father had worked. The feline stopped trying to fight her dad and…ooops…started to try to get to her. Eyes widened, but daddy was there and he saved her yet again. This time he thrust his shoulder into the feline and having learned her lesson, Orca let go as he connected, keeping her from getting hurt by being yanked by her mouth…again. Acere immediately stood protectively in front of her, but Orca would huff and move to the side, standing next to him with her legs splayed wide and her ears back, lips pulled up in a silent snarl.

Orca, however, was not sure what they were waiting on. Neither adult moved. It was a stalemate it seemed, neither were interested in necessarily continuing the fight, but neither left. Orca shifted, glancing at her father in confusion. What did they do now? It was then that she heard the sound to the side and turned, seeing the eyes flicker in the shadows. Hesitantly, Orca took a few steps, glancing at her father and not the feline mother, before she continued closer to the den. A small growl rumbled from inside, the youth answered it with a growl of her own, maw stained with the blood of its mother. Tongue rolled nervously over her lips and as she did a white form launched itself at her. Startled, Orca offered a soft yelp as she went tumbling with the creature of similar size to her. The two tumbled, its claws pulling at her fur just as her jaws snapped at its own fur. Eventually they both came to a stop, her jaws shut tightly on its upper shoulder, its jaws clasped just as tightly to her own shoulder. Both pup and cub kicked furiously at each other, trying to get the other to let go.
[Image: Polaris_pixel.png]