
Sunny Days




6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
01-24-2020, 09:08 PM

Harbringr eyed the sun dial for a moment before deciding that the prototype was indeed done. As if reading his mind, Ari brought out the next project they had for the day, what would soon become the beginnings of a map. The macaque presented the thin roll of hide and Hari unrolled it, placing his paws on either side as Ari took a bone scraper and began thinking the drying hide. As the monkey worked, Hari turned his focus back to Pestilence.

"I'm sure they have some strengths, they're just a bit gullible when it comes to religious swill." He disagreed with Deathbelle's beliefs in Archon but he would never consider her stupid. His ears perked up at the mention of her desire to be a Warlord. Ah, so that's what she was aspiring to? "Is this the Warlord of the Armada or of Ashen? At the moment we don't have a warlord rank but tell me more about what it is you want to do." At least as far as he knew there was no such rank. Maybe she meant to say Daimyo?

"I'd be more than happy to teach you Pesto and you are getting to the age where you need to be assigned a mentor. However, I can't promise I won't help your siblings if they ask. We want all of Ashen's warriors to be strong and skilled fighters. Besides. It might do them good to spend time with other wolves who are not so religiously inclined." Not that he would try to persuade them one way or another but he did feel it was important to know that Ashen was a place of mixed beliefs. Not all the wolves believed Archon to be a god or some such nonsense.