
A cure for apathy

for Beat



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-25-2020, 10:56 AM
Perhaps in her younger years she might've been more cognizant of another wolf's discomfort, but now she found it hard to focus on much outside of her own immediate companions. Everyone else was temporal, impermanent - why waste her energy? That was the same reason that she didn't bother with the amount of mischief she might've been comfortable with as a child. "It's a pleasure as well," Asvor grinned faintly, though her expression grew slightly more serious as she revealed her small stash of mushrooms and consumed one without hesitation.

The woman raised a brow at how quickly he consumed his - not just a small piece, but a few - unsure whether to be impressed with him, or annoyed with how much of her stash he'd just eaten. I'll always find more, she reminded herself, though after the volcano's eruption it seemed plant growth around here had been stunted and unusual, and she worried she might not replenish her stash as quickly as she hoped. But no use crying over it now when she'd offered without giving him any real rules, right?

She let out a laugh at his question. "It might do more harm than good with how much you just ate, but it's hard to say. If you're anything like me, though, it'll make you feel... free. Like you're a bird soaring over the world, weightless," her eyes widened, shining with amusement at the thought of seeing how he reacted to the mushrooms. "Just try to remember who you are, and where you are. And if you start feeling like you're spiraling out of control, find somewhere safe to sleep it off," if he could sleep at all if things started to get out of control. The older woman shrugged, knowing the answers would come in time to him, she couldn't accurately predict how his trip would go. "It'll shouldn't be too long. Especially if your stomach is empty," he offered, and.. judging by his appearance, she doubted he'd eaten much in a long while.