
I Could Really Use A Wish Right Now




6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
01-26-2020, 11:55 AM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2020, 11:56 AM by Harbringr.)

Harbringr was restless, he'd woken from a nightmare that was so close to real life that for a moment he wasn't entirely sure he dreamed it. In the dream he woke up in his den and in reality he woke up in his den. It was disorienting and so he decided he was going to go for a walk, maybe explore the Tall Grass Plains in the dead of night where he hoped Sirius was not patrolling. Hari wasn't quite familiar with the rules. He knew that Zee visited him before in the dead of night so surely he could do the same? Ah, yes, Zee, the most rule abiding wolf he'd ever met so surely it was ok…

He chuckled to himself then glanced up to see Costanza flying above him. She'd been out hunting and she called out sweetly to let him know she'd accompany him on this journey. It was a lovely night. Still hazy thanks to the volcano but a westerly wind had pushed the bulk of the ash far enough that the stars could be seen, twinkling above them. He still was irritated at being moved this close to the volcano. The tides were unpredictable, flooding frequent and they still had to deal with minor earthquakes here and there. Not to mention dead fish and debris continually floated up on the shores of the archipelago.

Harbringr did his best to give his sister space during her grieving but this was disturbing. And he quite frankly didn't want to hear any preaching from Sirius about the safety of his pregnant wife that he too would follow suit. Hari closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The dream had scared him and he found himself far more irritable than usual.