
post-traumatic storm disorder




6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
01-26-2020, 01:23 PM

Harbringr was pleased to see Zee. She was one of the few wolves outside his family that he considered a friend, heck she might be the only one. She stated she drank from the streams in the Tall Grass Plains and he immediately picked up on her worry. He tried to smile reassuringly. "The streams are probably fine. Its running water so the nasty stuff should get swept away. I have no idea what is going on with this water…" Yup, it was weird and it glowed, and well he had peed in it but he wasn't quite sure he wanted to admit that. In hindsight it was a childish thing to do.

"Well why the fuck did we move here if everything around us is so dangerous?"

"I've been asking myself that. I was hoping we'd move back home not closer to the volcano. My only guess is it has to do with Archon and his obsession with this stupid shrine. Far as I can tell it's some sort of human garbage. Not a thing of wolf making." He leaned over the shrine for a moment then spat in it. If there was anyone he trusted sharing his discontent to it was Zeitgeist.

She suddenly kicked out at one of the stones and swore violently. "Zee!" That was all she needed was to break her dam paw. He didn't know what to say. Everything she listed was dangerous though he chuckled a bit at the vegetation. "I think the rabbits are safer than the vegetation." What little of it there was left. "Well, hopefully not but if you do get a two-headed wolf they'll certainly be the most unique looking thing to arrive since those crazy colored wolves. Anyway between thunderstorms, earthquakes, and poisoned water I'll take the thunderstorms. At least most of the time you can tell when they're coming and prepare." He had no idea how to predict an earthquake and poisoned water well, with that you were shit out of luck unless there was a good way to purify it. He'd need to look into that later.

His eyes drifted up to the sky at the mention of storms but he was quickly distracted by the towering white trees and alabaster vines that surrounded the shrine. He had to admit, he liked the trees. They were beautiful in a haunting way but they were also natural. Not marked and corrupted by human writings. Of course, now parts of them were burnt and blackened to a crisp. He had no idea what colors the leaves would be or if they'd indeed ever see leaves on these trees again.