
so hold me




5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
01-27-2020, 04:55 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2020, 08:28 PM by Roan.)
Roan could feel her hesitation and uncertainty, he couldn’t blame her. After she’d told him the story of her life he understood. He was sad for her, he didn’t want to show her pity, only his conviction. He wanted her. Roan was stubborn enough to stick by her until she realized he wasn’t going anywhere. Trust took time to foster, but he was determined to show her that she could put her trust in him. He wanted to protect her from hurt, he couldn’t imagine intentionally causing her sorrow.

She let him pull her closer as she told him that she wanted it all to be okay, but her voice made it plain that she didn’t know if it actually would be. He nuzzled into her neck comfortingly, he could promise her until the cows came home that he wouldn’t hurt her but it was time passing that would really earn the trust and built their relationship. Roan could still lose her, there was nothing binding them together except for the instant connection they shared. He cared deeply about her, and wanted to have her beside him. He loved her.

Though his shoulder was sore he hugged her tightly and protectively. She was supposed to feel safe in his embrace, not vulnerable like she was. ”I promise I won’t.” He whispered back as he wrapped his neck around her head. His eyes pressed shut as he willed her to believe him and lose the tension that held her back. ”You are all that I have.” He confessed, realizing that she couldn’t know he had nothing besides her. ”I’ll do everything in my power to stay beside you.” He admitted softly as he started to slowly groom the soft fur at her ears to soothe her further. Roan would spend the rest of his days protecting her to prove she was in good paws.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.