
Tomorrowland (Legion Meeting)




10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
01-27-2020, 09:05 PM
Chaos watched with eyes still swollen nearly shut from the damage to the surrounding tissue, as the pack gathered together. Enough time had passed that everyone had had time to have their wounds seen to, but raids took a lot out of you, and exhaustion was evident on many faces, particularly the young ones, who hadn't had a lot of time to work up their endurance. Well that would come in time. They'd done amazingly.

When it seemed no one else was coming - Delaney had been missing for some time now, and it looked like one of Jupiter's slaves had not shown up either. Neither had the horse, but Chaos hadn't really expected a horse to want to show up to a group of wolves regardless of his nominal association with them.

When all who he thought would come had come, Chaos stood up to bring their attention to him. "I'm going to keep this brief, since we're all still feeling like shit. A couple days ago after a lot of thought and discussion," which was not at all an inpulsive spurnof the moment decision in a casual conversation or anything, "I made the decision to step down from running the pack and take up a supporting role. I ask that you give your attention to my chosen successor-" he nodded towards Tyrian, who was seated away from everyone, "Tyrian. Tyrian has my complete confidence and support, and I look forward to the direction he will be taking the pack. I am honored to have been alpha to you all. Thank you."

With that he threw Tyrian a wink - that hurt like fucking hell and he probably should have refrained - and strode out to sit among the pack, pointedly making it clear who was to lead the meeting now.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write