
Pool of Moonlight




3 Years
01-27-2020, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2020, 10:56 PM by whitfield.)
Lurking almost silently among the sand-dusted forest was the well-muscled male, his attention pointed in the direction of the oncoming wind; with it did it bus a passenger of idiosyncratic, exotic fumes in which were his liking, thus creating the notion in his mind of a simple time when he belonged to a pack. Though of course, he couldn't lie to himself, the 'pack' he belonged to had barely been a pack at all. They were ruthless, cutthroat, and as if it weren't enough, they were family. Though things weren't as they seemed anymore, he didn't really care, no, he'd left after all. Kicking and screaming with his fathers' blood crusted along his eyes... and even though he'd kissed their sorry asses goodbye months ago, still, he felt he wasn't alone. As if he were being haunted. He'd been running and walking and running and walking. Days now. It seemed no matter where he went, someone was close to follow, it was something he'd have to put up with.

Standing by his lonesome did he place his form upon the jagged rocks in front of him, eyes scanning the even land until that same scent hit his nose. "Wolves." Snarling, he spat. He hadn't been around his own kind in so long it had begun to take a toll on him, he didn't know the basic rules of submission or serenity, he only knew how to be the way he'd always been, and in a world where everyone was sought to be perfect... He was the crack in the porcelain.

Cascading visionaries carried hints of mirrored sympathy, for himself and for those who didn't understand his emotional handicap. He could give love, kindness, hope, though his noble intelligence would not allow him to receive worth that would hurt him in the long run, such things were pointless and he wished not to be abandoned again. Even if the abandonment was his own doing. "No, wolf." Soon his body begun to march forward, massive shoulders rolling from the days he'd lived day and night as his mother's shield and sword, he was always polished and stern. He sighed, bursting forward and allowing his masculine scents to mingle with that of the stranger -- a warning and a note.

Pine cones, burning wood, lavender. His scent could be taken as stench, maybe intoxicating, all he knew was he'd registered this strange wolf before, as a flavour of course. Not that she knew he'd been watching her. "Female. Young. It's her." He skidded to a halt, enormous paws grasping the ground in pits of dirt his claws had made. He'd almost ran dead smack into her, something he did not want to do considering he was hoping to befriend this woman even more so than his first introduction with her. Though truthfully, why was she out here anyway? What was she doing up at this odd time of day, or at least, at this place now? And why, by the gods, she was glowing! "Pardon my tongue, madam, but your pelt... It radiates like the stars around the moon." He paused, leaning forward, then stepping back. "Are... Are you ill?"

atop his head a crown of thorns   ━━━━━━━━━━━━