
Miss Mysterious

Aurielle||Intellect Prompt


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-23-2020, 09:53 PM
“You’ve members missing as well?” He nodded grimly, "Unfortunately." He wasn't sure what the circumstances were for that. Whether it had to do with the world getting thrown out of whack or if something had happened. Or maybe they just decided the pack life wasn't for them. Whatever the case, they weren't around anymore. “My mother and brother were taken when we were pups… They were rescued, and that band of slavers wiped out to the last wolf…. But mother was never the same after.” Another grim report. The mention of that reminded him of the raid he took part in with Valentine and Rhyme when they went to kill each and every last slaver that had done that family wrong. "I'm sorry to hear that. Another band of slavers had done the same to another family I know, and while it was unfortunate, we took care of them..." How many other bands like that were out there? Probably countless ones...but there were potentially one or two less of them now.

He was glad when the conversation shifted to his companions, and he of course, nodded along with a small smile. "That they are, much harder than wolf pups I must admit" He glanced at them for a moment only to see them smiling sweetly at him.

He waited as she examined the goods he had brought, a grin starting to show as he watched her examine and ask about the white bear skin. "Yes, Polar Bear. Only found in the coldest of lands. We've had quite a few of them trespass into our lands or linger too close, so my kin and I often chase them away, or dispatch the more aggressive ones. I've found their fur makes for excellent insulation, and their teeth and claws make for good accessories and tools." He was in the process of making one of his daughters a polar bear skin Cape or armor...he hadn't decided yet. He often envisioned what he wanted but as he crafted, the materials seemed to take on a mind of their own and would turn out to be better than what he saw in his minds eye or something else entirely. Whatever the results, he was always happy with them.

"Have you tried heat?" For a moment, he couldn't figure out what she was referring to, but it dawned on him rather quickly. Heat. Of course! He should have known! Being around the volcano and having been familiar with fire in the past, he should have guessed that that was the missing link he needed for his metal crafts. "I have not, though now that you mention it, that would help immensely. Thank you," His head rose when he heard sheep, the alabaster king turning a quizzical eye towards them. Well, that was interesting. He'd never seen a flock of sheep let willingly let a predator herd them like that, let alone stick around in a land of wolves. Aurielle spoke about the nomads and their trade goods, and he nodded along as he turned his attention to the Valhallan wares. "Aye, you are lucky you have such great allies at your side. Some of the things I saw at the trade fair were quite curious, and they've given me ideas that I wish to replicate or improve." He stepped towards the items to take a look of his own while she looked over his. A few things caught his eye, and truth be told he was interested in at least one of everything to see what he (or the pack) might like.

"What would be your terms for an alliance?" His attention was redirected to her then, as he considered the question. "I figure we could start with joint training? I have pups of my own now, and I must admit it's not easy trying to train them all on my own. The younger ones in Winterfell, too. Some are in dire need of more one on one training, so if that's something you're interested in, we can make a plan for that. I'd also like for us to become partners in trade, and of course, to answer one another's call during times of war if need be..." Granted, the lands were quiet and war hadn't been seen for years. But one never knew when a war might be on the horizon. "I am aware that Valhalla is smaller than Winterfell at the moment, and if it suits you, I am okay with bringing a member or two here for training, and any of yours, of course, are welcome to join me in Winterfell for training there as well." His terms seemed simple enough. Basic even. He didn't see the need to ask for more, though he was curious to hear what her terms would be. "Is there anything you are in need of?" He had been in dire need of a healer until Drifa had come along, and although his best hunter was currently on loan, they were still okay. He had the resources to help if need be. He left the question open for her to voice her own terms if she wished.