
HEY. Hey you. Yeah, you.




2 Years
01-29-2020, 09:20 AM

It was some time before Thistle found herself treading along the lakeshore. The vast body of water was calm and still, and while it was not hot enough by any means to necessitate a dip, she found herself wading up to her ankles all the same. Fishing had never been a strong suit of hers, but she was hungry. Perhaps this lake would not be as affected by the volcano's impacts as the land had been, as long as the ash had not acidified the water too drastically. Looking down at the swirling wakes her paws created, it seemed clear enough.

She walked back onto shore and realized that perhaps she ought to be grateful for the cloud cover. She didn't want to be, but without the sun she would cast less shadow into the water, perhaps remain unseen for that much longer by the fish below. She was so focused on her task, and the gnawing complaints of her gut, that she did not notice a stranger appear along the lakeshore. A murky shadow lurked just before her, swimming lazily. It wasn't the largest fish she'd ever seen, but it would be enough. Carefully, with slow movements she approached the shore, angling herself so as to be out of the fish's line of sight.

With a deft flick of her paw, she sent a few grains of pebbled sand scattering onto the surface of the lake. The fish turned, expecting an insect of some sort, and she lunged.

The muscled body was more powerful than she'd expected, and although Thistle was able to heft the slippery bastard from the lake it still wrenched itself free and flopped onto the sand. With a gasp and a curse, Thistle dove after it. It might as well be dead already, puncture wounds and all, but if it died in the water she would scream. In her haste she got a mouthful of sand as well, but she triumphantly trotted a ways back onto the beach, fish in maw. Thistle gave it a fearsome shake, and let it drop. It wasn't until she looked up, panting now, that she saw the other female a ways down and looking in her direction.


Thistle's brain stalled out for just a moment, running through the options. Perhaps she was friendly, but Thistle didn't trust like that. Yeah, maybe she was, but also maybe she wasn't. A lean summer made for mean creatures. They were very nearly the same size, but Thistle couldn't deny that she was weak from hunger on top of the energy she had just expended. If it came to a squabble over the fish, her odds certainly weren't great. Maybe she was overthinking this whole thing, but if she got to eat at least half of this damned slimy bastard at this point she would consider it a win. In the back of her mind a voice whispered its agreement, because making friends was, like... good, or something.

"You hungry?" She called out, still panting a bit, waiting to see how the other female would respond, how this whole ordeal would fall into place.