
you should be sad

for Theory



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-29-2020, 05:56 PM

break me like a promise

Thoughts of the impending raid had kept her awake and anxious for days now. She sparred endlessly with anyone who would treat her to a fight - in fact, she had the feeling that they were getting a little bit sick over it. Theory couldn't help herself. All this nervous energy piled up and built upon itself until it was a might fortress within her. She was more anxiety than she was herself; most of the time she was running on autopilot, completing routine tasks as if someone else was operating her body. Patrols went on as scheduled. Hunting continued. Training carried on. All the while she was struck with the queer feeling that she was watching herself from outside of her body.

She was in the middle of patrol when she heard Thalia's call. Alouette had been cartwheeling in the air above, keeping a real lookout while Theory blundered through her task on the ground. Lou knew when Theo wasn't feeling right and the raven was quite worried for her friend. She'd seen Theory upset before (especially after Thalia had left so abruptly after their last meeting), but never like this. Theory peeked up at the sky towards Alouette as if asking for permission to shirk her duties for a few hours. Without response the raven altered her course of flight towards the source of the call, noticing that Theory's pace immediately got more brisk. There was a certain spring to her step as they tracked down Thalia between the trailing branches of the Weeping Woods.

"I have so much to tell you," she sputtered when she finally got within earshot of Thalia. Once she got within spitting distance she held back, remembering how much it had hurt when she'd finally broken the spell of their last meeting. Maybe if she just didn't touch her... but she wanted to touch her, wanted to bury her face in the thick ruff of fur at Thalia's neck and just scream about Acere and the raid. Wanted to feel the warmth of her breath on her cheek again. Instead of getting any closer, Theory paced back and forth at the edge of the small "room" they found themselves inside beneath the branches of the willow tree. Everything seemed quieter here. Even the sunlight was muted, struggling to penetrate through the thick curtain of trailing branches. The young alpha suddenly felt very aware of her own body.

Theory expanded her pacing to the entire perimeter of the tree, the branches trailing against her ribcage as she tread circles around Thalia. Her fur had lightened just a bit with the summer sun - it brought all the different shades of russet and brown on her top coat. Theo wondered if Thalia would notice anything different about her, hoping that she might seem how strong she'd gotten. Or something. Anything to let on that Thalia thought as much about her as Theory found herself thinking about the Abraxas. "An honorless git in the north is set to raid Abaven on behalf of some... some roving band. Apparently they bargained on behalf of a member's boyfriend and now I'm fucked," she spilled all at once, her blue eyes searching for Thalia's golden ones. Hopefully they'd be able to commiserate a little bit - she was sick of trying to act like an adult about it. She wanted to be crass and angry, just for a few hours. "Not even someone's mate. Just someone's screw, ugh."

"theory speaks!"