
but you're somebody else


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-29-2020, 06:37 PM
”Hey.” Rhyme’s voice was soft as an icy white paw was laid gently on the stone that marked the place Shaye was laid to rest. He suppressed his awful memories of the days leading up to the moment she was placed here. Having to dig her broken body along with Ody from the rock slide had broken something within that that had yet to be fully repaired. He felt as if his soul had been torn into pieces that would never be brought back together. ”Hey..” He swallowed back his tears as his massive frame was lowered to the ground beside her. He rested his head on the stone and felt the tears begin to flow freely from his blue and lavender gaze.

”I miss you. It’s hard to keep going without you beside me.” He had to pause as his voice broke and his eyelids pressed against each other as the wave of pain rocked his body. ”I’ve got a lot of support though. Your girls are back home… But it wasn’t fair of you to leave Theory like this. She’s been forced to be so strong. When we needed you the most…” Anger. He felt anger towards the woman he loved for leaving them, for giving up so easily. Like he had. He wasn’t angry at Shaye, he was angry at himself. For letting her fall into her depression and allowing her life to be stolen.

Rhyme was quiet for a long few moments as his tears wetted the gravestone.

”Rhythm’s here. I’m sorry she didn’t come back until after you were gone.” He said bitterly, wondering if he could have convinced the woman who birthed him to return sooner if Shaye would have taken a different path and would have still been here where she belonged. ”I know you’d want me to forgive her. Maybe I should. For you.” Rhyme mused to himself as he continued his private thoughts. ”I could always come to you about my problems. Not having your insight…” He sighed heavily as he settled himself there, he felt closer to Shaye here at her grave than even the moment his mind conjured her image. Rhyme hurt, and he wasn’t ready to accept his mother back just yet. ”What do I do?”

He knew she wouldn’t answer back, not anymore. Theory and Samara worked too hard to bring him back.