
Pool of Moonlight




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
01-30-2020, 02:35 AM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2020, 02:36 AM by Aurielle.)
Aurielle Adravendi

Aurielle’s head tipped slightly at his words, putting in at the end, “In some ways. My secondary would be called Soul. And the wolf I take as a mate would be called the Heart.”

Her eyes cast a sidelong glance back at the male, as he finally introduced himself. She graced him with a light smile of approval at the forthright introduction, though she couldn’t say she’d heard of him anywhere. Her paw-steps led in a meandering, yet purposeful path, edging northwest.

“You mentioned ‘Nomades’… Did you mean the Nomads, by any chance?” If he had, she wouldn’t have to explain what she meant—elite master healers, who were just as adept at fighting even if they were primarily healers. However, any response he might have given was drowned out by a crackling of something huge pushing through the underbrush.

An all-too-familiar stench wafted their way and she only stilled for an instant before slipping forward on suddenly ghostly silent paws. When she caught a glimpse of her quarry, though, her steps did falter. What was one of the great white, northern bears doing in a clime like this?

Its white coat was dirty, its appearance thinner than it should have been. But its temper was so much nastier than the bear she’d battled in the north. And that was about where thoughts had to be cast aside for action, because the bear caught the flicker of her newling light and bolted straight for the two wolves with an ill-tempered bellow.

She was in front of Whitfield. That put her in the defending position, which was definitely what triggered the icy fury that chilled through her veins. It wasn’t the attack on herself. It was the attack on another wolf. So, she bounded to meet the beast head-on. It was at the last moment, when she spotted the bear shifting its weight to slap out at her that she took flight and sought to sink her canines into the large paw at the wrist.

She captured the grip, only long enough to let the beast thunder its pain and fling her free. She let go intentionally, rolling back to her paws as the bear turned to face her and snarl. Good, come after me.

Was she glowing brighter than she had been? Maybe—that roll through the dirt had sloughed off more of the dead fur, revealing the new coat beneath.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.