
Tomorrowland (Legion Meeting)




3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
01-30-2020, 02:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2020, 02:26 PM by Tyrian.)
When it was Tyrian's turn he stood and closed what little distance had been between him and Chaos. Though he didn't quite take the former alpha's place as Chaos moved to sit with that pack, Tyrian was now front and center with all eyes on him. It was a daunting scene but seeing the faces of those he had grown up around or alongside was empowering. These were his people and he was going to do right by them.

His eyes settled on Chaos and he gave a slight dip of his head to his older brother. "Thank you, Chaos." Tyrian turned his attention to the broader audience and said, "Right then. I'm not much for speeches so I'll make this as brief as I can. Legion is changing. From this day forth it will be known as Fireside. These few seasons since the volcano have given me ample time to think about how to prepare for a future that might not be as unvarying as we once thought. Prey might disappear, the weather may turn ill, the volcano may erupt again. For all of these things we must be prepared. It is for that reason that Fireside will devote the bulk of its attention to the acquiring and rearing of certain prey species such as sheep, goats and horses."

Tyrian paced to his left, his eyes on the distance as he allowed what he'd said so far to sink in. After stopping three or four steps from where he started he stopped, turned back and continued speaking. "We will graze our herds here at home and abroad as weather permits. We will seek out new game to add to our collection. We will tend, butcher and preserve our own food so that we don't have to worry over what ill befalls Boreas." He began to pace to his right, back to where he'd started. "And we will take from those who have what we do not."

"Make no mistake, Fireside is not going to become a pack as simple and soft as the prey it keeps. If you stay here with me, and yes, you may leave if it doesn't suit your fancy, you must understand that those around you - these wolves? They are the only ones who truly matter. We do everything for these wolves and these wolves alone." Tyrian lifted his chin and looked around at those gathered. "Our survival must come before all else."

Tyrian stopped front and center in front of the pack. "So that is that, then. A nice little summary of what we will be. Next is ranks. We will have a duel system. You will be given a primary rank and if you are so inclined, when you have proven you can handle the requirements of that rank, you may select a secondary rank to train in. Your primary will be just that - your primary, but if you are a primary hunter with a secondary rank of soldier, in times of conflict you may be called to defend your pack. Likewise, if your primary rank is watchman and your secondary rank is healer or herder, there may come a day when your skills as a healer or a herder are needed but until that day you are a watchman."

"So that is our new system. The ranks are as follows: (((OOC: I'm not detailing the ranks here otherwise I'll be here typing all day and you'll zone out somewhere around tier 3. No one wins there. Click here for the rank descriptions. Keep in mind this is a work in progress.)))" He looked around again, his gaze lazily resting on each face to suss out where they stood with it all. "If you have a rank in mind declare it today otherwise you will sleep next to the sheep under the rank of commoner until you decide. Keep in mind that those wishing to be Masters will not have the rank handed to them. Declare your interest in such a rank and afterwards you and I will discuss it."

That left only the rules to be discussed. "Last but not least, the rules on which we will build society. Seven little rules. For now that is all we need to get things rolling. They are as follows: (((OOC: here we are again, dodging yet another text wall. Click here for Fireside's rules! Note: this is incomplete. Eventually there will rules on raid conduct. If you would like a taste of what they will be like check out Hjarrandi's raid rules.)))"

And that, finally, was the end of his too long monologue. At last Tyrian felt comfortable taking a seat. He sat down hard, the simple gesture somehow irreverent, and said with a sardonic shake of his head, "Ladies, gentlemen...and pirates: I've done enough speaking today, don't you think? How about we turn this into a discussion. Who here is with me? What rank do you want, what...would you like to say about this sudden transition Chaos and I have dropped on you, hm? I wish to hear your opinions."

OOC: next round ends 2/7. When you get a chance please look over the ranks and rules. Anyone undeclared at the end of this meeting will get the rank of commoner and believe me, you don't want it.
Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.