
Clear Skies and New Hope



10 Years
Athena I
08-22-2013, 09:35 PM
Cael Amestades

Cael felt his gaze drifting from the little red and black insect to the lovely fea laying next to him. He watched as her eyes opened, really seeing the depths of her blue gaze for the first time. They were the color of the sky that stretched above them and held the same warmth that the sun was currently blessing them with its comfort. He thought he could get lost in that gaze if he looked for too long. Blushing lightly, he turned his gold and sapphire gaze away from hers so he could roll over onto his paws. He poked at the now slightly flattened grass with a forepaw, but decided it was still fine to use for bedding. Gathering up a large bunch of it in his jaws, he bit down and pulled away at the same time, tearing the grass from the ground. He almost hated leaving the small bald patch on the earth, but the two of them needed the bedding. He gave a silent thank you to the earth before glancing to Imena and heading back toward the den.

He placed the pile of grass he had gathered on one side of the den when they got back, spreading it out a bit with a forepaw. It wasn't much, but it was a start. He looked happily to his new friend and waited for her to place her part of the bedding as well. His gaze drifted around the den, happy to have their little bed there now. It brightened up the floor of the den a bit. "Something about a bed just seems to make a den a home to me," he commented with a smile, his tail wagging easily behind him. He had only known Imena for a few hours, but he felt like he had known her for years. He felt completely at home and at ease with his fellow healer. Something about her just drew him in and intrigued him.
