
Grow this Garden with Love


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-31-2020, 05:51 PM
Rhyme’s grasp on reality was fuzzy, he didn’t quite understand how far he had fallen or the leaps and bounds he was taking to recover. What he did know was that his heart hurt, and it hurt a little bit less when he was with Samara. She grinned as his tall frame emerged from the den. She was a bright ray of sunshine in his dark and stormy world. Rhyme followed behind her as she began to explain what she had in mind for them today. For the future as well it seemed, something Rhyme had nearly forgotten about. There was a future ahead of them even without Shaye.

However much he hated admitting her loss and how deeply the cut went. Even though he was coming to accept reality the sheer weight of the fact tried to crush him every day. The harder he focused on Samara the more he yearned to see Shaye again. He swallowed back his emotions as icy paws carried him after the dainty healer and to where her herb garden was planned. Maybe the garden would be a key to his full recovery, this was not a wolf. The garden needed consistent care, something he wouldn’t have to think very hard about but would also keep his mind and paws occupied. Like Samara intended for him to do right now.

She grinned as she motioned to the land, Rhyme landed her a side long glance. His mind brought completely to the moment with Samara, the fog within him lifted. He even felt his heart flutter at her playful wink. He sighed softly and the corners of his lips pulled back in a shy smile. Without hesitating the once alpha got to work. ”What do you plan to put here?” He asked as dark paw pads met dirt and he began to break the soil.