
Careful don't want to get attached.


08-22-2013, 10:07 PM
Bast raised an eyebrow as he flopped on the ground seemingly having accepted her apology for now. The deceptive cretin...she thought for sure that she was dead meat there, all his snarling and carrying on.
"Why get on with it then, you so called healer." Emerald eyes sparkled a little as he snarled arrogantly and she let out a deep breath before running her nose over his coat, just to check for any injuries she hadn't noticed. Minor swelling....some bruising, the bite mark and a few other cuts and scrapes. She decided to deal with the bite first, seeing the staining on his coat from where it had bled. She licked it gently, backing off if he got short with her but frankly she wanted to clean the wound and make sure she got the debris out of his creamy coat.

"Better to have it cleaned now, rather than being patched up an it getting all yucky later." She murmured to herself as she also cleaned off his coat where he'd bled, a dark shiver going through her at that familiar metallic taste. No...she had to keep it under control or he'd figure out just how dark she could be.
"Creedance." His monotone wasn't bothering her any more, though it actually made her wonder if he was just...never happy? But then he spoke again and she gave him a slight grin. "Or Mr. Voltaire."

"Mr. Voltaire it is then...." She said, a slight smirk on her lips as she half-purred the 'Mr.' before looking around and frowning a little.
"No fire lilies what can I use to stop inflammation? Oh! I know that plant....that's Plantain...." The medic in her spotted the 'weed' that had both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. She loped over and grabbed a few of its leaves before coming back and mashing them up with a couple of rocks from the riverbed.

She then scooped a little of the poultice up onto her tongue and pressed it as gently as she could against the bite mark, waiting until it stuck itself against his wound. She continued this pattern as quickly as she could before drinking from the flowing water beside them.
" just have to let it dry, in about a week it'll just fall off if you go for a swim somewhere. Then you should be as good as new Mr. Voltaire." She said with a stretch, her tail curling up over her back for a brief moment before she shook herself off and turned to look at him.