
out of the oven and into the frying pan

Open to Armada wolves



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-01-2020, 01:09 AM

Sirius was taking no chances, He had added Weeping Woods into his patrols, and often made his way through the territory in search of otherworldly birds. For the first few weeks his search had come up empty, and he hadn’t expected anything different about today. It almost came as a surprise when marshal gave a directional cry, turning his attention to the outskirts of the territory, near the sea.

The bird was perched in one of the highest points of a massive weeping willow tree, looking down at his wolven companion. Sirius moved beneath the sweeping branches, close to the trunk of the tree, losing sight of his winged companion as he did so. He contemplated the tall tree for a moment, before springing upwards. He landed on the lowest branch, his feline-like claws digging in for purchase as he balanced himself, and rose up, leaning half his weight against the trunk of the tree. It was a jump from there to the next branch, and the next, and the next. Climbing the tree was a slow, careful thing. After all, a wolf wasn’t built for climbing. He wouldn’t have managed it without the claws he had grown after the Firefly festival.

Once he reached the spot Marshal had indicated, the branches began to sway beneath his feet. Grimacing, the titan kept close to the center of the tree, where the branches where the strongest, and re-orientated himself. There. He thought quietly, as he found the nest of birds eggs. He could see why Marshal had called him to it, the eggs were larger than average, and well it was not definite, it was possibly they could have come from the large Condor species.

He swiftly destroyed the eggs, and lay down upon the branch, expecting a long wait. He did not sleep, but he did doze a little, until the wind that indicated a storm blowing in off the ocean began to stir the leaves. He raised his head wearily, as the wind picked up, blowing mightily through the trees, and the long, slim branch he lay upon rattled with its strength.

Now seemed like a very good time to disembark this rodeo. He rose cautiously to his feet, just as enough brisk wind rattled through. There was a loud crack, the world tilted sideways, and he remembered little else.

He awoke sometime later to the sound of Marshal’s cry, but when he tried to move his head, everything felt slow and strange. He groggily opened his eyes, the feel of blood seeping past his eyelids made the whole thing rather difficult. He moved a paw to wipe it free, only to find resistance to the movement. What…?

He finally managed to blink past the blood, and found himself surrounded by mud. He could not turn his head, but from what little he could see of the world around him, over half his body lay buried. He panicked, he wasn’t exactly a swimmer as it was, and a mud-lake sounded horrifying. As he thrashed, his body sunk more quickly, until only the ridges of his back, his neck, and his head was free. Heart thundering in his chest, he forced himself to still, and his sinking stopped.

As he considered his situation, he realised it was a two-way sword. If the mud had not been here, the drop from the tree would likely have killed him. As it was, he was surprised he hadn’t received a thrashing from the trees on his way down. Of course, the blood against his eyelids told him not to discount it yet. The question still remained, how did he get out of here before he suffocated in a pool of mud?
