
Pool of Moonlight




3 Years
02-03-2020, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2020, 08:52 PM by whitfield.)
As she spoke, the brute found himself mesmerized at her words, walking alongside her both in awe and in the principality of not knowing. Her lips flashed words that were unknown to his ears, and while he wasn't deaf, he certainly held the expression as if those very sentences drifted into one ear and out the other. He had some idea on what she was talking about, it was just ironic that the titles that had fallen from his tongue were ranks in what he now recognized to be her kingdom. So, to put it lightly, this entire time he was in the presence of a queen? "Wait, wait, wait... So, you're a crown-holder? An empress? My Gods, I had no idea--," And to think I've been watching you for weeks now... "--That you were an alpha, and wait... Your heart? Y-You don't have a--,"

His curiosity stopped in his throat, the sound of thunder roaring in their faces. It seemed to come from the clouds. Its fur browned, its anger radiating. The hell is that? A fucking bear? Truthfully the male had been taken off guard, and if it hadn't been for the miss in front of him he'd likely still be boggled by her situation. Well, now they had one of their own. "Is... Is that a polar bear? Here?" Asking questions when there shouldn't be any was something he would be getting scolded for by his mother had she been here, and his piss-poor fighting skills would be something his father would be beating his ass for. Though despite this, there wasn't a single chance he'd be letting Aurielle take this beast by herself, even if he was positive she could. That was no way to make a first impression, nope.

Standing with his head low did the male bare his teeth, his taller form running to stand a bit away from the female as to attempt to take the brute on from another angle -- surrounding it. He didn't want to make it feel trapped to the point it broke out in a bigger rage than it way in already, but if it swung, he could dodge, and then maybe Auri could strike. "I'll try to distract it!" Whit snarled, snapping his jaws close to the tail of the polar bear.