
Today Was A Fairytale



08-22-2013, 11:47 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2013, 11:48 PM by Caerul.)

The man listened carefully and intently to the words of the girl weighed down before him. Though not weighed down externally, but a great deal inside. His brows furrowed in concern for her, her tale pulled at his heart and soul. How tragic...she only wanted one thing in life, and it was ripped from her. By her own family at that! That part of the story had infuriated him, and he vowed that if he ever saw those two then he would see to it that they saw redemption and the errors of their ways. How could someone do that to such a sweet looking wolf!? Though he had barely just met her, there was indeed something about the girl that pulled him towards her. He wanted to help her, to protect her from harm and pain that befell her poor soul. He would do what he could, even if from afar.

He turned when his brother spoke, and in the process caught the movement that he made as well. His brother it seemed, was close to her. He wondered if it was just from the fact that it was a healers bond, or something more...but if it was more, then surely Cael would have mentioned it to him and Alsander at least. Returning his gaze to Imena, he nodded. "Aye, you have Valhalla now. As do we, we're all family and we will do everything in our power to protect and aid you, Miss Imena. Trust my word when I say that I will not allow you any more pains, past,.present or future." he vowed to her.

He leaned forward and boldly licked the top of her head, an attempt to comfort. It was often what he did to his sister when she was upset and it seemed to help. He thought he would try for a nuzzle as we but refrained. He felt a little uncomfortable with Cael watching, and so just stuck with a quick lick to her crown. He dearly hoped that she would find happiness and get what she wanted. Her story would remain in his mind for a long time...he got a hopeful feeling, praying, that she would allow him to help her. To protect her.
