
Buy The Stars



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-23-2013, 12:39 AM

Erani nodded at Chrysanthe?s reply to her words. That would be a settled matter, she trusted Chrysanthe to see to it. So she settled into her spot, chuckling softly at the arrival of a spent Surreal, who carried a fresh rabbit in her jaws. She gave a nod of approval at her daughter?s words. As her daughter settled in beside her, Erani watched the arrivals of other members, nodding to some, smiling at others, her tail gently tapping the ground at her fellow healers and Friction. She could see the sadness he carried on his shoulders like a rock. With this newest addition to the troubles he faced, what must he be thinking?

She gently ran her tongue over Surreal?s forehead, receiving a hearty wag of pleasure. Family members arrived, other members arrived. Ashtoreth, Rayne, Imena, Azalea, and so on. And then the meeting began, with a very late arrival of Thane and one of his sons. Where were her daughters? Arella and Lyric had been scare lately. Her heart panged anxiously. Castiel had been as well. He?d come home, but Nova was still gone? She frowned quietly. Looking around, she saw no sign of him, or her three remaining children. However, there were several unfamiliar faces. New members. Obsidian. And then Sarak came in, looking wretched. Erani frowned, looking closely at him. He was thinner than he?d been when he?d first come to Valhalla, and had a dead, lost look in his eyes. She frowned further, eyes flicking toward Azalea. Sighing, she turned her head back to the meeting as Chrysanthe began speaking. Gideon. Deep blue pools narrowed slightly as she studied the male who had moved too fast on a yearling who had no business letting an older male go that far.

If he ever caused Chrysanthe grief like that again? It would be a painful lesson that he would learn about protective mothers and family. As Chrysanthe went on, Erani smiled at the memory of three newborn pups at Epiphron?s side, and the ecstatic, proud expression on Maverick?s face. Gerhardt?s delight at being a grandfather had been highly evident as well, and she shared in the revelry of the grandparent status. ?Correction, she has given birth to three healthy pups. I have recently returned as of last night. Congratulations, Chrysanthe. You?re an aunt thrice times more.? She grinned happily, then quieted as Chrysanthe went on. Erani nodded quietly. At one point she had hoped that Nova might take the place of a Lead Warrior but? Chrysanthe caught her attention with the next words that came. She felt a surge of pride for Surreal, who looked stunned, delighted, and humbled all at once. She nuzzled her daughter with a soft ?Congratulations, little love. Listen to your uncle as you always do. He will see you to becoming the best Beta you can be for Valhalla.? She also threw a smile to Soleil and Gael.

After the good news, came the middle news. Chrysanthe spoke of the attack on Rayne, and of the decision to train all members in combat or else send escorts. Did she imagine it, or did Azalea look displeased by those words? As Chrysanthe went on, Erani frowned sadly. So after uprooting Glaciem, Eos had abandoned it, leaving this threat in her place. Where would the true Glaciem wolves go? Or were they forever banished to wander as a rogue group? A soft growl whispered from her throat. Cairo must be rolling in his grave right now. She listened as Azalea spoke up, and then to Cormalin?s words, nodding slightly before rising and making her way to his side as he scooted over.

She turned and settled onto her haunches to face the pack, a calm smile on her face, ?I have an announcement of my own to make. I would like to welcome three new healers to our ranks. Cael, Imena, and Friction. They are all competent, if in need if more training. I have also decided to train an original member of Glaciem, from before Eos took Glaciem. Her name is Orica. She is only a yearling, yet is already quite knowledgeable in the Craft of Healing.? Her eyes flicked to Chrysanthe, and she added in an undertone. ?I think you?d like her.? Nodding, she rose and returned to her spot beside Surreal to listen to what others had to say if anything.