
Hello, hello again.

Rune I


5 Years
08-23-2013, 03:25 AM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

What was with the curious way she started looking at him? First she could scarcely keep on him and then suddenly it was as if she could not look away, though with a certain something about her eyes that made him wonder if there was an intent behind the gesture. Perhaps it was simply a girl thing; he knew from having a sister that they were particular creatures and hardly functioned under the same principles that boys did. Either way, he was puzzled but, since the moment felt wrong, he chose to keep his observations to himself for the time being, assuming that, perhaps after a while, it would all simply explain itself and his curiosity would be sated.

To his surprise, she did not scowl or show any form of irritation at his gentle teasing, only a laugh at her own expense. That was different. He was sure she would have at least given him a dirty look for his little jab at her, or at least she would have had he tried the same when they had first met. Perhaps that was only because they knew nothing of each other at the time, that they were nothing more than complete strangers? How funny that time had somehow changed that simple fact after such a long absence, made him comfortable enough to tease and her comfortable enough not to take offense. Strange...

"Right," he answered with a skeptical slowness, nodding his head for a slight added emphasis. "Well, I can fix one of those. You're in the Rock Garden. Kind of an obvious name," he remarked with a swift glance around them a the rocks that littered the surrounding plain. It was one of the simpler names, as far as he was concerned, though the origins for all the locations that surrounded him had never truly been of interest to him. What they occupied tended to be considerably more intriguing to him, though that had only begun in earnest a few seasons ago. "It's also not far from where I live. In Tortuga," he added, just in case she had no memory of him mentioning it during their first meeting.

Just to sort of test Alamea's new patience, he sent another careful jab her way, watching her closely for a reaction and trying to keep his expression straight and more or less emotionless. "So did you ever find that, uh, pack you were looking for?" he asked, attempting to keep his voice as restricted and flat as he could. The less he seemed to obviously be teasing her, the better he assumed things would go.