
Liars go to Hell




Expert Intellectual (150)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - AsexualValentines 2020VolcanoDream Weaver
Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-06-2020, 08:54 PM
More than ever, Toxicity just wanted to spill over with all the words of anger and hurt and doubt that had plagued her since her father's death. All the emotions she tried to never show anyone, all the words that circled in her mind, left unsaid in those distant gaps of silence between her and the rest of her family. Not that no one tried- maybe they didn't try hard enough, but they tried. No, Toxicity didn't feel like the Kleins cared about them, but she doubted many of them cared for anyone- Pesto included.

Pesto said it wasn't enough to sit inside the pack and be a princess, "You're right- surprisingly for someone so dull. I don't just sit around, but you wouldn't know that because you're too caught up trying to get kicked out of the pack to even care what anyone else is doing." Pesto insisted that their mother loved her. It was true, Toxicity felt like their mother really did love all of them, however it wasn't beneficial for Pest to know that.

"Uh-huh, that's why she can't even look at you the same," Toxicity said, trying to drive the dagger further into her sister's heart. "When was the last time she smiled at you?" The rush Toxicity got from trying to hurt her sister, telling her all the things she felt like her sister didn't want to hear, was intoxicating. It had been so long since she felt anything but the dull boredom of the Ashen pack, buried beneath the volcanic ashes. There were things to do, but none held her attention. None made her heart race- not like this did.

Toxicity's expression soured at Pestilence's reply about their mom not believing in God. She wanted to deny it, but she wasn't even sure if she could. "Yeah? Well she's gonna do the ceremony to go see Dad, then they'll get to talk about how much of a failure you are," she spat, her voice raising. "You want to talk about mutts, but your precious Klein family has dogs in their mix now! They aren't even REAL wolves, Pestilence! They're basically coyotes! Can you even accept that in your pure family?" Yeah, that was totally what Toxicity believed and not just something she thought might upset her sister.

When she saw her sister brimming, she felt invigorated. She felt like she had won. She was the superior sister. The more she yelled, the more Toxicity wanted to gouge deeper. They might die, Toxicity knew that just as well as her sister. She wasn't bothered by that anymore. "Unlike mortals, us gods ascend. Like Dad did, but you wouldn't know that because you can't even do a simple ritual to see him. You really are just another mortal aren't you?" Toxicity wanted to drive the point. No matter what Pesto said, it wouldn't matter if she was a mortal. It would be even better if they weren't related at all... Wait. That could be a possibility.

"Maybe you were adopted, Pest. Maybe you aren't Abraxas at all, that's why you can't talk to Dad. Oh- maybe you aren't even a Klein and that's why Mom can't stand to have you in the pack." Toxicity smiled sharp and cruel, "But maybe she's just trying to keep you here so you don't cause more trouble in another pack and they blame us for it since you came from here."