
Love You Long Time


08-23-2013, 10:26 AM

beginning to the end

A wish had come true for the excited pup. He was going to be leaving the den and explore the outside world! Granted, it did have some set backs - being looked after by his mother and sister, knowing that he couldn't cross some boundaries - but, it would be all right for the time being. Secretly, Faolan was happy to have someone looking after him. He was new to the world and the world was new to him. Better to be safe than sorry; if only he acted like how he thought.
Silent hadn't told them where she was leading them, which made the discovery all the more exciting as they walked across the Seracian borders. Faolan's heart was racing as eagerly searched the land they crossed, taking in the numerous trees that stood like gigantic soldiers above them. His neck was hurting from the continuous craning when the willow forest was in sight. Any pain he may have had vanished when he saw the expanse of the trees that stretched in front of them. His energy level hit the roof and he began to sprint away from his mother and sister. As he was thinking of possibly seeing what all there was in the forest, Silent's words broke through the many ideas that racked his puppy mind. He could hint the stern part of her warning and turned to look back as he waited. Catching the solid shake of Ara's head, he shrugged and then looked up to Silent's approaching form.
His dark green eyes mirrored the gaze that his mother gave him. Hers may have been more grownup, but he could feel the love that radiated from them. Being sentimental didn't last for long, though. Once Silent was close enough to him, Faolan turned to face the woods and bounded ahead again. He checked to make sure that he wasn't too far - in case she may say something again - before he slowed his roll near the small streams. His gaze stuck to the water as it freely moved away from him to other parts of the woods. From where he stood, the small streams looked shallow...Could he possibly be able to float away with it, like a log that had no set destination?
As he stretched out a paw and his upper torso to lean over and touch the water, Silent's voice echoed through the woods, 'You don't know how to swim yet, Faolan.' The pup's ears flattened against his skull and he yipped in protest. At such a young age, Faolan knew it wouldn't do to talk back to Silent. Not only was it unacceptable, it was rude for the woman who carried him and gave him life. With a silent sigh, he pulled himself back to the ground and squarely sat on his haunches. His gaze looked forlornly at the water. "Some day..." he whispered, "One day I will learn how to swim and float wherever the water takes me." It was promise he made to himself; one he intended to keep.
A snap of a twig and a branch pulling back into the air broke the silence. He turned his head sharply and saw Ara breaking off a piece of the tree Silent had chosen to lay under. Pride was evident in the way she carried her prize back to their mother and his tail began to wag at the sight. Faolan hadn't seen his sister show much enthusiasm - not as much as his own - since they had left the den for the first time, so he enjoyed it for as long as he could.
Not wanting to rain on her parade, Faolan rose from the dirt and padded back to stand perpendicular to Ara. Curiously, he looked over the twig and sniffed at the leaves that helplessly clung to it. Raising his head to meet Ara's dark blue gaze, he said, "That is a biiiiig branch, Ara!" His small tail wagged and he looked up to his mother, wondering what she thought of such a feat. "Mama, isn't it big?" He looked from the side of his eyes at his sister as he said softly, "I wish someone could show me how to do that."

Puppy Talk

we are alive