
you should be sad

for Theory



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
02-09-2020, 03:07 PM
"It doesn't really sound like they're your allies," Thalia offered after a moment of thought, entirely unsure if she was being helpful or not. Her own pack had never really had allies... had they? It was hard to imagine her family fully trusting anyone enough to consider them an ally though, and if they were to go behind their backs like that she had a feeling their betrayal would earn more than just aggravated complaining. Not that she was doubting Theory's reaction. She went on to explain they sent a messenger, that they'd return anything they took... all in the name of some deal they'd arranged. The politics of it all didn't really make complete sense to her but maybe if she had the full picture, she might understand better. One thing she did understand, though, was that it didn't sound fair and she knew she'd feel the same way if she was in Theory's situation. "I hope they do what they said they would," her features softened, marginally, enough to show that truly felt bad for the situation Theory was in. She didn't hope things turned out badly for her friend and thought sharing that sentiment with her might be helpful.

Theory explained she was worried, but didn't finish her train of thought. Deciding it unimportant, she merely shrugged. "Just keep training and preparing. Sounds like that's all you can do, now." Hopefully knowing the raid was coming would give them some advantage, even if winning wouldn't necessarily work out in their favor. Not that losing could ever been advantageous. It was a tricky scenario, and one she was glad she wasn't in the middle of - she wasn't sure she'd be quite as level-headed about it as the other woman was trying to be.

Her neck twisted, her body following as she moved just a hair closer to Theory, facing her properly now that her pacing had momentarily ceased. Sitting and listening, offering her minuscule take on things, was much preferred over sharing her own thoughts and feelings. How was she? Better, she supposed, but not quite great. "I've been well. Things back home have been.. changing We've actually decided to move closer - just a bit northwest of the sand bridge." That wasn't too much information to share, right? Before long Aerie's scent would be unmistakable as they settled down in their territories in the west. Perhaps they had been hiding away in Auster forever, but that was no longer an option for them. Slowly she too found herself reclining, leaning back and eyeing Theory, wondering how she'd react to the news. "So.. visiting isn't quite as difficult for me now." Not that it was a quick stroll, not by any means.. she was very much going out of her way to run into Theory and she hoped the other woman wouldn't press her on that fact.