
Big sister




6 Years
02-09-2020, 09:57 PM

Since the day Sirius had taken her under his wing Banshee felt better but still off. Her place in the world was rocky but she felt as though this was her chance to improve upon her situation. No longer was the Klein a helpless pup. She was determined to take her life into her own paws and prove to her new family that she was worth their time. Despite Sirius saying he was proud of her she truly doubted the truth of his words. Due to her relationship with her father and some relatives she knew that most adults lie more often then not. Trust was extremely hard for her but she knew that she could trust herself to do better.

The call came to Banshee as a shock but didn't hesitate to response. She had been organizing her herb and medical stores when the howl came flooding into her den. With a flick of her tail Ban grabbed a nicely wrapped bundle of watercress and moved from her tiny home. The watercress was nestled between her jaws with a retreated tongue to ensure the remained saliva free. Banshee had learned that the plant assisted with newborn pups by giving them a nutrition boost. She was sure one of the more experienced healers would have provided something of the sort already but Banshee figured she offer some to the new mother.

It didn't take long for the lean She-Wolf to arrive. Banshee popped her head into the den first before taking careful and gentle steps towards the group. Baby blue eyes took in the sight of her Queen and her four newborn pups. Her eyes went wide as she saw the vibrancy of the colors as well as their size already. Suddenly remembering her manners Ban looked up to Zee and set the watercress down within reach. "I brought watercress for them. It is suppose to help newborn pups development." She nodded softly before taking a step back, "T-they are so beautiful."
