


08-23-2013, 11:45 AM
OOC Name: Dark
How did you get here?: magic
Age: 26

Character's Name: Newt
Age: 4
Season of birth:spring
Size: 43 inches
Appearance description:
The titan of a woman was built for destruction. Her features are well blended between masculine and feminine giving her the illusion of no gender at all. Her back is thick and well defined as well as her neck and chest are thick with well toned muscled. Her legs are slender and lean and though the lady is larger then most she is built for both speed and strength. She?s a comfortable blend of weight and length.

Is the lady a lady or is she a lord? Only when the pheromones it the noses of others are they sure that the behemoth of a wolf is indeed a lady. The essence of her body is a violet tone. Over the odd hued skin is a lovely deep black base coat. It kisses her entire face and the edges of her ears. Along her back is a saddle size amount of black. Her tail is mainly black with the ends of it holding a gray tint, looking as if she placed it in a can of gray paint. The fronts of all four of her legs are a black color and the backs are gray. The rest of her coat, her neck, shoulders, belly, and sides are all a gray color. The most startling feature she has is her eyes. They are a brilliant bright purple color with flecks of blue.

She is a dire wolf, one of the few left, and stands at an intimidating 43 inches tall. She weighs a hefty 200 pounds. giving her the look of slightly over weight but she is anything but. it's all hard muscle that she continues to tone.
Duty: Avenger