
Castiel - reactivating/new player



11 Years
08-23-2013, 11:57 AM
How did you get here?: here since the begining
Age: 18

Character's Name: Castiel
Age: 1 year
Season of birth: Summer
Size: will be 39 inches when adult
Appearance description:
"When he was born, Castiel was a dirty, darkened white, muzzle dark. He's the largest pup of the litter, robust and strong. As a pup, his voice will be clearly male, with the high pitch of a child. His eyes, while blurry and dull, not yet able to see clearly, are a deep rich gold like his father.

As he ages, his coloring will lighten, until his body is a light cream, though his muzzle is still a dark grey. At the age of four to eight months, his voice will gather the tone of an eight year old child. His accent will have begun to develop, a lazy russian accent with a soft lilting burr from his mother. His eyes have cleared up, and are keen and alert, deep gold fully apparent, and intelligent.

Upon the age of one year, he will have begun to fill out, still lanky and pup-like in the paws and legs, but fur and muzzle having just about reached their true color, white. Intelligent, serious gold eyes watch the world with interest. His size will have reached 34", half way to his full size. His voice will have deepened, reaching the point of a pubescent boy, cracking here and there, or squeaking at embarrassing moments. The rich baritone of his father will eventually prevail, softened by his mother to a quiet rumble. Mixed with that accent, he'll be an attractive male.

Upon Two years, he will have experienced a growth spurt, paws now fully in proportion to the rest of his body and legs. Lanky build will have filled out, becoming powerful, muscular and strong. He's reached his full height of 39". His voice has fully acquired it's mature form, deep and rich, accent a sexy, lazy Russian, Scots mix. His scent is rich, masculine. Truly an attractive fellow."
~quote is his original description
Duty: Avenger (when he needs it)
Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.