
the curse



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
02-11-2020, 11:20 AM
Protectiveness swelled like the tide within him, only exacerbated further as he realized just what kind of state she was in. If anyone had hurt her, he'd kill them. Maybe not literally, but the intensity of emotion that suddenly overwhelmed him felt almost violent in nature, and it took him by surprise. He realized suddenly just how much he disliked seeing her in pain, and he wished badly he could take it all away. But her answer assuaged just some of his worries. Nobody in particularly had bothered her, but... her nephews were gone. He knew she'd been caring for them and now they were gone.

His heart ached for her. Where could they have gone? He hadn't caught wind of their scents for awhile now, but then again Abaven was a large pack and keeping track of everyone was impossible. Maybe he shouldn't been helping keep track, too. Corvus felt a sudden pang of guilt at the thought. Raising children wasn't any one wolf's job in particular; it took a pack to raise children and he couldn't help but thing he'd been at fault for not reaching out to the children who had lost their mother. Why hadn't he done more? His brow furrowed, sympathy and pain mirrored back at her from his own gentle gaze as he leaned into her, sensing she needed him.

"I'm sorry," he said after a moment, wishing he could do more for her. "We'll find them. I'm promise." Except.. there was a raid coming soon, and they needed to be training, but family came first, before any political issues between packs. "It's not your fault," Corvus added, his voice soft but stern. He knew she had done what she could, he would bet anything on it. "You can't blame yourself. They've... gone through a lot. More than anyone their age should. I'm sure they're just figuring it out. In their own ways." He couldn't promise her they were fine and safe, as much as he wished he could, but he could promise that he'd help find them and do what he could do ensure their safety. Whatever it took.