
Come Over Red Rover




Intermediate Fighter (55)

Intermediate Hunter (50)

5 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
02-12-2020, 03:16 PM
With his hackles up along his ridge of brustles, his head down, shoulder hunched, and his long thick fangs bared, Red looked like another creature entirely, perhaps the prehistoric smilodon or a cave lion. It was a far different creature than the one who had been laying so serenely working on traps only moments before. Despite the feral appearance, though, he was still the same wolf he had been, and Red always favored the most peaceful solution when possible.

The bear seemed to be looking for an out - so he would encourage it on its way before it could cause more damage. It had spun from him to Aurielle again, and so he positioned himself towards the bruin's uninjured back leg. It swatted at Aurielle, sending her rolling, and while it had only three legs on the ground Red charged, slamming his full, rather considerable weight against the bear's good leg, throwing its weight onto its crippled leg. The leg buckled completely, unable to hold that weight, and the bear crashed over to its side with a bellow. Already in motion, Red slung himself to the bear's head to deal it a slash with hos fangs before skidding to face it out of its immediate reach and return its bellow with his own battle roar.

"If we give him a clear route through the wall," he snarled gutterally towards Aurielle, "he might retreat when we harass him instead of stopping to fight." Though he knew deep down that the bear might choose to take the chance to come back for the remainder of the sheep, that he could be a risk to any young wolves in the future, Red couldn't bring himself to kill without giving the larger predator a chance.