


08-23-2013, 01:20 PM
user posted image

Alive, it was a term she used loosely. She was lost but still moving. Burdened with grief but still enraged enough to keep moving forward. They counted on her and she wouldn?t lie down and let Cerberus bring her home. No, she loved her god and he would give her the strength to finish what had been started. They would put her back together not this moment. No, this was something estranged. An oddity of unwelcomed damage but how could she avoid it? How could she not taste the apple dangling before her like some blood red orb of desire? She wanted to taste it, just a small bite, just enough to remind her who she was.

She shook her head of the insanity ringing in her ears. She had over come that downfall. Adapted and become something far greater then her sickness. The words were twisting. She knew that false promise of release. Knew that even if she took that small gesture it would be false. How could she convince them all to vacate the area? ?Jupiter sealed her fate when she killed my mate. Regardless if I agreed to leave her and what is hers alone, the others, they demand retribution. They demand her head. You know as well as I do that if it is not by my jaws that her life is ended then someone else will come and take her.? She said with a hint of sadness. She wanted her home but she knew the reality of what had been done. War would come.

She could feel the woman moving around her. Feel the heat of her. She swallowed hard. She would not give in. She would not beg. Zara was her master. She could own her. Make her hungry for pain. Not this vile wolf and yet. She was so tempted. She shook the thoughts away, growled her warning. Her hairs rose on end and her body began to build for battle. She would fight it, fight her, or pray she had the strength to do so. ?I am not consumed by war but by grief. My heart is tore. I was never meant to love. Never meant to know its worth but only meant to..? serve. The words were left unsaid. She had always been someone else?s pawn. She was the giant that they used for their own gain.

Her words were caught in a gasp. She all but jumped out of her skin when the serpent spoke her words of home. She wanted to tell her to shove that offer so far up her ass it would poke out her eyes but her breathe. It felt so warm against her shoulder and she needed to feel something other then emptiness. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. She would not give in. oh but if she had only nipped her. One harsh quick movement and she would have been done for. She would have buckled beneath her and let her feed her need. She was panting with the thought. Her desire filling the air around her and she was angry she was allowing it to be known. She was so unfocused. She needed escape. Needed to get the fuck away from this wolf and find Zara. ?I..I?? she stammered, she attempted to move away from her. She needed to think. To let the rage consume her and put her in her place but she was too close. She let out another warning growl but it was half assed. Desire laced in that warning and her ears fell back with confusion what the fuck was wrong with her?