
sandy paws



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
02-13-2020, 08:13 AM
Void made his way over the channel, he was getting much bigger now. His legs were long and his year birthday was coming up. He wasn’t quite to his full height but his massive size was already well beyond apparent. The water was warm, warmer than he expected, as his huge paws paddled over the ocean. The sun was peeking through the lingering ash in the sky, but he was sure that if it were clear the sky would be clear and blue. He was stronger now and with little effort the boy made his way to the mainland from the island.

Dark paws pulled him up onto the brilliant white of the sandy beaches. His blue and lavender gaze focused after he shook the excess water from his thick fur. He looked back out over the water, and he was sure that he’d want to return to swim again. The bay was quiet and Void could see himself fishing as well. There seemed to be an infinite amount of life beneath the waves, he was sure there was more than one curious fish that nipped at his toes. His attention shifted from water to sand.

He dragged his dark paw through the fine sand, it was made up of the tiniest particles and though Void wasn’t sure what it was. White sand was made up of impossibly small pieces of coral. Chewed up by parrot fish or battered in the storms, it was an accumulation of thousands of years of once live animals. Void pulled his paw from the sand and looked back up to the land surrounding the peaceful bay. It was a beautiful area and Void made notes to return here to watch the stars. For so long he’d waited on them to return and now that he had them again the boy needed to get to know them once more.

He padded up from the white sand of the beach and let his eyes fall to the foliage that bordered the oceanside view. The trees were not huge, they were smaller bushes. He could see quite a bit of driftwood around. Mostly tiny white sticks but along the tide line there were also massive logs. The trees they came from must have been absolutely ancient, he couldn’t begin to guess at the species but the one he approached was bigger around than he was tall. His innocent features peered up and for a moment he debated about scaling the massive trunk.

Carefully the boy rounded the giant log, his gaze searching for a way to scale this once living mountain. He circled around the back of the huge bit of driftwood, finding exactly what he wanted on the other side. An old broken off branch was positioned about half way up and Void knew if he was careful he could use it to scale the massive tree. The young Destruction leaned back onto his haunches and pulled his front legs up to place his paws on the tiny outcropping that he would be able to pull himself up on. With one fluid movement the boy jumped with his rear legs and pulled his body up with the front.

With little more effort the almost yearling brought himself up onto the log. After the long swim and the effort to get up on his perch he felt elated as his bright gaze was able to take in the incredible view. He could see Ibis Islands miles out at sea if he looked towards the place that still held his den. He tried not to think about his mother, he missed her warmth and presence. He hoped she would come back into his life soon so he could show her all of the things that he found since her leaving.

Void turned around to get a better look at the mainland, he couldn’t see quite as far past all of the vegetation but it was still an amazing view. It seemed like the world just went on forever and he wondered if he’d ever see all of it. Void loved to explore and learn the stars, and he wondered then how he might use that for the benefit of Abaven. He was learning how to fight now that he was closer to a year old, but his real passion was in the sky. One day he’d name all the stars and learn to guide himself over the many leagues of the mainland by them.

With little effort he returned to the sandy beach below. Maybe it was time to really talk to his cousin Theory. Desolate seemed to find some guidance in her, maybe he could do the same. Void sighed heavily as he padded his way back to the water and plopped himself down in the sand. The future was one of the few things that could make him nervous, but in that peaceful place the young boy would contemplate just that.
