
Among Clashing Tides



5 Years
Extra large
08-23-2013, 01:23 PM

He could see the way that she reacted when he spoke about his father and his pack. Did she knew what had gone down not too long ago with his father coming to challenge for a Valhallan girl? He didn't doubt it by the way that her ears perked and eyebrows rose. Probably all of the Valhallan members were informed about the coming events, but would she hold him accountable for the actions of his father? Would she see him as party of the guilty party for being the one causing her family trouble? He didn't want to cause anyone trouble; that was Isardis. In a way, Taurig was guilty for association, given that he didn't try to stop his father from taking the Valhallan woman. He could've, but it really wasn't any of business and if his father was willing to go and challenge for a pack wolf, then clearly this woman had crossed a line with Isardis and was now going to pay the price.

I'm sure, don't worry. I'm going to bring another piece over anyway to make it bigger. Her words put him at eases and with tentative reluctance, the large brute would uncurl himself from his ball, crawling over to the little pit the young woman had dug, lowering his belly into it, an audible sigh slipping past inky jowls. It was much fresher in the little pit then in his previous spot. Taurig settled down, lowering his massive head onto his paws, icy gaze searching out Seraphine's figure, watching as she scoured around the rubbish that littered the landscape, searching for another piece to expand on the shelter with. She would find one to her liking, lifting to make sure that it was the right size before deciding to bring it over, pausing in her endeavor to inform him that it was his turn for a question. Dark eyebrows scrunched together in concentration, trying to think of another suitable question. What will you be when you get older? He asked, suddenly curious as to what profession she wished to pursue, since he had already given away that he was a warrior.

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