
change of heart




Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (175)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

7 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1KIce Bridge ExplorerChristmas 2019Treat 2019
02-15-2020, 11:54 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2020, 11:08 AM by Gimli.)
His head cocked to the side when she claimed she wasn't actually eating the stick, but that it was a spear. Asking if he'd ever seen a weapon. "What's a weapon?" His voice betrayed his curiosity and confusion this time. "Is tha' what a spear is?" But then what the hell was a spear? He eyes the stick again, noting the end that had started to take on a sharper, more pointed look. "Is it just ah pointy stick?" He had questions. And a lot of them. He moved closer, hesitantly, unsure if he'd be allowed a closer look. But his curiosity overrode his fears (not that he was afraid, he was just paranoid of getting attacked out of the blue gain) so he got closer until he was a few feet away and craning his neck to get a better look. "Is that thing the only kind of weapon there is?" He sat down, his shaggy form starting to relax a bit more with each question he asked. Where did she learn about this? How to make them? She smelled like his dad... and a sudden, bitter and grim line took over his features. Did she learn from Hannibal? Did he maybe favor his other kids and just didn't care about him like that? Enough to not teach him anything? He snorted quietly. He didn't need his dad. He'd been doing just fine on his own.

But he wasn't here to gripe about his sire, no. He was here to learn and that's what he would focus on. Before she was even able to answer him, he got up and dashed off to find his own big stick so he could start working on his own spear. It was an interesting concept, and he couldn't wait to get started on his own. He didn't go very far from where she was, just near the outskirts of the sea's plain where he thought better sticks might be. Shuffling around through the brush, he was thankful for once that he was so damn small. Perhaps not the smallest wolf in the world, but as far as he knew, he was. He had yet to come across someone else who was his height (or smaller). A rustle in the bushes caught his attention for a moment, and when he looked, it appeared to just be a lizard bobbing its head at him. Head cocked to the side as he watched the little reptilian creature do its thing, and when he took a step towards it, it darted off into the foliage. The boy's eyes followed its path, and to his delight, the lizard had shot off over a small pile of sticks that looked like they'd been lying there for a while. Perfect!

He grabbed the one he thought looked best and returned to where Banshee was working on hers. He settled down nearby, watching her work and studying what she had already done. Imitating her, he started to whittle away at the end of the stick with his teeth, holding the wood firmly between his forepaws and his chest so it wouldn't move too much while he worked. The wood didn't taste all that great, and it made his tongue feel dry the more he worked on it. It also felt awkward doing this with his teeth and hoped to the gods he didn't end up with splinters all over his mouth, but he did it without complaint. Perhaps later after he figured this out, he'd find better and easier ways to make one of these things.

After whittling the end of his stick a few times, he paused and glanced over towards her. "Wha' do we do with the spear when it's finished?" He questioned curiously before going back to work. Did they use them for hunting? Fighting? Wouldn't their teeth be more effective than trying to swing around a pointy stick in the hopes of stabbing someone with it? The more he thought about it, he started to form his own ideas about its uses. He could see how useful it might be when trying to bring down prey without getting too close...or at least, wound it enough to slow it down without getting hurt. But fighting another wolf? He wasn't sure how effective or ineffective it would be. From his point of view, someone could slip past you while you were trying to swing it at them or...charge them or whatever it was this was used for in a fight.

He felt like he'd been working on this for a while, but when he stopped to look at his work, it now looked more like his half-siblings stick. Feeling proud of himself, he continued working until he was satisfied.