
Bite Bite Fight!




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
02-16-2020, 04:46 AM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2020, 02:24 PM by Aslatiel.)

She'd escaped again.  What did "grounded" really mean,  anyway?  She was on the ground all the time! Asla had tried to be good,  honest. She had tossed and turned,  trying to sleep with the rest of her family.  It just didn't happen for her though.  Her young mind wouldn't stop racing. Maybe she'd just take a little walk. The tiny,  cream colored child cast a sidelong glance at the pile of bodies.  She'd be back before they even knew she was gone.

Aslatiel was a sneaky little thing.  She pretended to climb upon the big body of her father in order to get comfortable.  She stayed still for a time just in case she woke him up and worked hard to still her breathing and feign sleep. After a few minutes,  she slid slowly off of him and landed gently on the ledge of the wall that held them prisoner. Again she stopped,  hunkering to the ground and feigning sleep, though one plum colored eye was open and was starting at the door to freedom.

On little silent paws,  Asla crept across the den. Making herself as thin as possible to not allow light inside,  she slid through the doorway and out into the open.  The girl inhaled deeply,  enjoying her freedom before looking up to the night sky. "Hello, Stars!" She whispered excitedly to the sparkling twinkles of light.  The half obscured moon provided enough light to see by,  but not so much light that she couldn't hide in the shadows of she needed.

Curling around the side of the den, Asla made her way towards the bridge that her father had built. She was very wary of the water beneath it and sunk her claws into the bridge with each step.  Once across,  she booked it through the long grass.

The stripey little girl had no idea where she was going,  but her ears led the way. A gentle clucking brought grey ears swiveling about.  What was that?  A white tipped nose parted the long grass and the rest of her head followed.  Her dusty nose wiggled, testing the strange, musty scent. There was a strange sort of enclosure that instantly had her curiosity piqued.  What was inside?  Suddenly,  the noise became louder and more intense. Asla climbed onto a stack of wood pressed up against the enclosure and looked inside.

A strange round creature with a bushy, striped tail was stalking towards some weird white birds. The birds were scrambling away, squawking loudly but the stripey thing managed to grab one.  It bit the bird and Asla barked as loud as she could. "Hey, those aren't your birds!"  Without a thought to her own safety (go figure) she launched herself over the fence and made a beeline towards the striped attacker. Sharp puppy teeth sank into the striped tail just as her claws bit into the flesh of its rump.  The creature squealed and chittered before turning and clamoring over the fence. Asla chased it to the fence,  growling and snapping all the while,  her little pelt bristling.

Having protected her home,  the girl went back to check on the bird. It was laying on the ground.  She could see the rise and fall of its rib cage,  but the formerly white bird was red with blood. The racoon had broken one wing and had opened a big wound. Frowning, the youngling looked about.  Where was an adult when you needed one? Asleep, of course.  The chicken started to struggle,  kicking is one good leg in a panic.  Acting on instinct, the child wrapped her jaws around the birds throat and bit down hard,  cutting off its air supply. She didn't really understand what she was doing,  but she must have done something right because the bird stopped it's struggles and lay still. "Hmm" She murmured, head tilting as she poked the lifeless avian. Now she really needed an adult. Maybe if she took the bird back to her dad he could explain. Grasping the dead chicken, Asla began trying to get it over the fence. Being small was hard.

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