
East Side, West Side, Best Side




Expert Fighter (130)

Novice Intellectual (20)

6 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019Trick 2019
02-16-2020, 04:22 PM
"I got up so high by climbing. You know, with claws like yours you'd be able to climb as well I bet. You are correct I am not a wolf. I am a lynx and my name is Natha."

Winter's eyes went wide and she lifted a paw to stare at her claws, flexing them as she considered what Natha had said. Looking back towards Natha, who was apparently not a wolf, but a Lynx, she grinned. "I'm Winter, and I'm a wolf! I...think..." She was wasn't she? Her mom and dad and the rest of her family were wolves, but she had cat paws like Natha, and horns had started to grow from her head like a sheep or something...she hadn't quite asked her dad what was going on, and he didn't make a big deal out of it so she assumed maybe it was normal. She hadn't really been outside of pack lands, either, except for the festival that was going on and that was the first time she had seen wolves of all kinds with all sorts of different things. A lot of them still looked pretty normal though...

She watched with fascination as Natha jumped from her perch, clinging to the trees, and working her way down as she explained that it'd be useful to learn how to climb. And not only that, but that she could also use them for fighting!? The pup was practically speechless as she soaked in Natha's words, and when she finally landed on the ground and explained some more and even offered to teach her how to climb, Winter jumped at the chance! "Oh yes please!" She squealed excitedly. Her tail set to wagging a mile a minute, excited for the chance to learn the things Natha was telling her about. She watched with rapt attention and fascination as Natha explained and demonstrated at the same time, and the young girl stood and watched intently, listening to each and every word as she watched Natha start to climb the tree.

She was almost in disbelief, wondering if she'd have the capability to do what Natha was doing. So when she asked if she wanted to try, Winter was hesitant for a moment but quickly got over it. Nodding, she did as Natha had done and stretched her front half up towards the tree as far as she could comfortable go, hooked her front claws in, and then pushed off with her hind legs and scrabbled rather ungracefully until she managed to stick her hind claws into the wood. With some minor trouble and wobbliness, she slowly worked her way up the tree a bit, just as Natha had instructed, until she was almost beside her. Her heart pounded against her chest from the effort, but also from the exhilaration at her new found ability thanks to her. "I did it! I did it!" She exclaimed with obvious excitement. She glanced down at the ground and then up towards the top of the tree as she wondered how far she might be able to go.